Ruth's Genealogy

“I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.” -Abraham Lincoln

I met a new “cousin” online a few days ago. She had responded to a post I had left on another website about a couple of tin-plate images I have of some of my ex-husband’s family. So, we began sending emails to each other, asking for and exchanging information.
Well, I realized I need to add the work I have done on his family to my website, where my new “cousin” and anyone else who needs it can find it. So, that has been my project for this weekend. Only problem is…when I added all that information to my FTM, I was being lazy and didn’t put in all of the sources!

Now I gotta go back and add all that in.
But that’s ok, cuz I’m glad I met someone new!